Monday, December 14, 2009

Not Moving

Well, it turns out that I don't have to move to Nevada now. Which is good, because I don't like temperatures above 70 degrees, so I'd probably never leave the house if I did move there.

But, since we were positive we were moving, all my printing supplies and other craft equipment is packed away in a storage unit. Hopefully some time early next year I'll have a place that I can set all my equipment back up in, and start being creative again!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Apparently It's hard for me to come up with things to talk about.

Well, lets see... I am still sans camera. Although I have been looking into it. I've been trying to decide if I want a dSLR, or if I should just go for a more conveniently sized non SLR digital camera. I had a Cannon Power Shot that I liked, until it decided to stop working.

I printed my Dad up some shirts for fathers day. I will have to see if I can get him to send me pictures of them, as I am currently incapable of taking some myself.

One I made for him was of a duck, a dark brown on a nice olive color shirt. I think I will make more of these, as I rather like how it came out.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Today is a day for venting.

You have been warned. :)

Sigh. So first off, my digital camera died not too long ago. I went to a friends wedding, brought the camera, even remembered to put in fresh batteries. I got a few pictures of the location, the cake and the table of gifts. So then we head outside for the ceremony, and then...nothing. My camera display showed nothing but black. I tried taking pictures to see if maybe just the display was messed up. Nope, I got some nice pictures of nothing but black. All my trouble shooting points to pressing the display button (which I did, repeatedly) or replacing my camera.

Then last night while I had a friend over doing screen printing my exposure bulb blew before we got a screen burned. And me, being the incredibly prepared person I am did not have a replacement one. So I called around today and the only places that have the type of light I use are currently out of stock. Sigh. And I have 2 different designs I need to get done by this Saturday and I haven't burned the screens yet! ...And I can't afford 2day shipping to buy one online! Looks like I'm off to either beg the boyfriend to order me a light bulb, or try and see if I can figure out the timing to make a normal household bulb work. (Tried 40 minutes last night, and it started to work, but most of the emulsion washed out, next I'll try an hour I guess).

Ok, breathe now.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mannequin is Go!

So I finally got around to taking some pictures of my shirts on my newly acquired mannequins. Yay! I still need to work some on photo styles and backdrops, but I think this is an improvement upon my old Etsy shop pictures. (Which were t-shirts just laid out on a neutral colored fabric. whoo.)

Monday, May 18, 2009


So, I went to the Gottschalks liquidation and bought me a couple of body forms. One is a plus size torso, fabric covered. And the other is a skinny partial mannequin that has a rather stylized appearance. I look forward to taking new pictures of my shirts on these. I just need to decide what I want for the background.

Also, my boyfriend wants me to move her (the more complete mannequin) because hes worried about it scaring him during the night or something. I bet she'll come in handy for Halloween!

But anyway I'm kind of stoked about it. Oh, I also got a wall mannequin from a friend of mine. I forgot to take a picture of it, I'll have to do that. I'm getting quite the collection of torsos!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Easily Amused

Anybody who knows me already knows that I am easy to amuse. Those who didn't know that now will. It will soon be discovered that I am also an impulse shopper. I was in our World Market and came across this little guy.

I saw him and knew that I must have him. For he was, a giant gummy bear! Seriously how awesome is that?! I have yet to attempt to nom on this guy. Honestly, I think he's too awesome to eat. But we'll see if that changes next time a sugar craving pops up. I know it's a bit hard to see, but he's almost 4 inches tall! Also, he's in a plastic bear shaped container which makes it all that much more worth it.

Well, I hope this cherry fellow made you smile. He sure amuses the heck out of me.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day Presents

So, Mother's day has come and gone. And now that there is no danger of my mom stumbling across them to early I can post images of what I made her.

I think they are pretty good for my first attempt at any sort of wire wrapping. They are made with Argentium Silver and Poppy Jasper beads. It was fun to try my hand at something new. I have made jewelry before, but not with wire wrapping. I've done soldering, forging, casting and other such things. I really enjoyed my metalsmithing and jewelry making classes. I think I'd like to pick it up again some day.

I'm sorry for the fuzzy pictures. I couldn't find my tripod at the time, and I wanted to get at least a few pics before I wrapped them up. I probably should have taken a picture of the wrapping. I made a little box out of deep red paper and wrapped it all up in a nice cream colored bow. I might have to bug my mom to let me take some better pictures of them.

Oh, I found the pattern for the earrings at The pendant I just kind of made up as I went.